The Breath of Thankfulness

This post is all about thankfulness. 

Many times we are being forced to be grateful and thankful and we may not be truly and authentically feeling it. 

As we live day to day doing the things that get us from point A to the finish line of the day, we get caught up in the actions of the day.  The human-doing-ness of the day. From the moment the alarm clock wakes us up, our feet hit the floor.   But...  take a moment and a breath between the shrill of the alarm and the feet hitting the floor to take a moment to say thanks.  That split second decision will frame your day.  You will remember that calmness, and it will reflect in how you look at the day.

If you miss that moment, don't despair.  At any moment in the day, you can reset, and reframe the day.  No one says that you can't change your outcomes.  You can, just like changing your clothese 5 times before truly deciding on how you will present yourself to the world.....  business savvy, dressy casual, schleppy to take the garbage out to the curb, or even making the day a PJ day.   You deserve to frame your day with gratitude and thankfulness.

People who pray... Pray.   However wonderful prayer is, it is not as focused on connecting to your gratitude.   Gratitude is a concentrated focus into stepping into a place of peace.  It creates a ground zero.  It raises your vibrational set point for your day.   It can make the day look more alive and vibrant.  You will find that you will be more appreciative of everything and notice even the smallest detail with a new sense of appreciation. 

From a physiological standpoint.  Gratitude will release endorphins, the feel good hormone.  It is a known fact that endorphin release is known for lowering blood pressure, normalizing homeostasis in the body.  Reducing stress actually lowers your rate of developing cancers, and inflammation in the body.    Nothing can create more pain, fear and anxiety than having an elevated stress level.  It also causes frown lines, and repeatedly can mke one appear older than their stated years.

I could go on and on about the amazing power of gratitude and it all starts with giving thanks!

Watch this video about the ABC's of gratitude...  Try it before you go to bed and see if your sleep is deeper and your dreams are dreamier, and you awaken with a new sense of being. 

Click the link to watch the latest YouTube video.

Bliss & Blessings,

Brenda Pearce RN is the Empwered Nurse.  She triages body-mind-spirit .  She is a best selling contributing author to 4 books, a podcaster of eFactor Media, Host & Producter of Oxford Empowered TV.  Look for her latest book, Ageless Blissings- A Coming Home To YOU coming soon


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